Goodbye Good Girl

Goodbye Good Girl is where you'll unleash yourself from the shackles that keep you small, the people pleasing, wanting to be nice to everyone, not wanting to step on people's toes -- which is giving you an intense inner rage with the stupidity and inconsideration of the human race but it's costing you your mental health as a spiritual entrepreneur. Sending you through endless doubt spirals, panic scenarios, infinite "what if's" and all the other jazz, that's basically the ego trying to quit your dreams to become a slave of 9-5, living with forgotten dreams in the hamster wheel. 

You are your most important asset in your business, yet you are running yourself like a used rental car you don't care about. 

And now is when you STOP, eliminate that BS self destructive behavior FOR GOOD - and become the fully embodied powerful woman who's gonna be a match to that vision board of yours. 

I'm going to teach you; 

⚜️ How to show up in your power when life is lifeing 

⚜️ How to set boundaries in your business to avoid visiting burn out city 

⚜️ Embodying the archetypes of the empowered woman 

⚜️ Releasing people pleasing patterns 

⚜️ Owning your magic! No more playing small, humble to not be disliked 

⚜️ Being sooooo grounded in yourself, you know your worth and won't compromise it 

⚜️ Taking your power back from external BS (like 'no one is buying', money is hard to make bla bla bla..) 

& I am going to show you how that looks like in real time, as I'm taking you behind the scene of my private life where this has been the theme I've worked with for the last 2 years!! If you've heard my BTS story for the last 4 years, you know how big this is. 

Goodbye Good Girl truly is the program where you say; 

I'm fucking DONE with bullshit excuses, stories and limiting beliefs that keeps me small. 

Because let me give it to you with a frying pan; 

Your excuses are you choose to stay small, because you are so scared of your own bigness. It's you dimming, because deep down you are scared that you'll be soooo unreliable to the people around you, you'll have to let them go. 

You are scared of outgrowing what you know already; your comfort zone. 

And I'm going to encourage you to do so. 

If we don't grow, you'll be a match to more than what you've got today. 

Grow out of; 

🤮 Keeping your low ass prices which never actually allows you to live from your business coz they are soooo low

🤮 Staying longer on every single client call, because you don't wanna be mean and close the call on time when they are feeling feelings 

🤮 Answering clients 24/7 whenever it suits them

🤮 Always being mentally present with your clients/business rather than your loved ones, because you worry so much 

🤮 Opening your calendar, moving your own private stuff around, in order to suit the client 

🤮 Take on too much work when you need to rest because you are scared they won't work with you if you won't do it now 

🤮 Taking on un-aligned clients, you know aren't a fit, because you are scared there won't be coming money in if you don't

🤮 Giving your friends huuuuuge discounts if they wanna join your programs 

🤮 Overstepping your own boundaries in order to accommodate client's needs. 

🤮 Letting money fears be your North Star in everything you do 

🤮 Being on the road to Burn Out City, coz you are working WAY MORE than you need to! Stop sacrificing your freedom in time because you are so scared. 

As you can tell, this program is gonna stir shit up. 

It's gonna awaken you to your power, potential and your bigness. 

This is more than a program. It's a portal. The initiation process, the rebirth of you happening in real time in a safe environment where you are held, supported and encouraged to grow beyond your wildest dreams. 

What will happen after Goodbye Good Girl?

🥂 Clients hiring you on the spot because of WHO YOU ARE, not just a discounted offer they don't even show up for

🥂 You have a grounded sense of self and never feel bad for speaking up for yourself

🥂 You place boundaries like a badass according to your values and live in integrity. 

🥂 Breaking up with overwhelm and setting the GPS from Burn out City to Calm & Thriving Central!  

🥂 Content writing become so much more fun!

🥂 Never again will you downplay your magic - and that's gonna attract clients everywhere you go! 

🥂 Becoming MAGNETIC to your desires; money, partner, clients, opportunities 

🥂 You get to succeed on an even bigger scale — with a calm nervous system and peace of mind!

Are you ready to become the full unapologetic version of you?

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